Authenticity Guides

*January 15, 2022 Announcement. All of these are currently being updated and edited to ensure they provide the most accurate information. For now, use this Website’s Authenticity sections to ensure that you are well equipped and ready for the next Gothic Line! Who will you fight for on the Gothic Line?

These authenticity guides provide a more in depth analysis of the equipment used, along with countless period photos of these specific units on or near The Gothic Line. For a more comprehensive guide explaining the multiple variations of gear, information regarding the equipment used, and endless amounts of specific photos of the units portrayed – take a look at these.


Allied 15th Army Group, US Fifth Army, II Corps

34th Infantry Division “Red Bulls” (USA)
135th Infantry Regiment

1st Canadian Division (CAN) – Coming soon.
Seaforth Highlanders of Canada

33rd Field Hospital Detachment (USA) – Coming soon.
Army Nurse Corps

14. Armee, I. Fallschirm-Korps

94. Infanterie-Division (GER) – Coming soon.
274 Grenadier-Regiment

16. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division “Reichsführer SS” (GER) Coming soon.
SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 16

4. Fallschirmjäger-Division (GER) Coming soon.
10. Fallschirmjäger Regiment

Decima Flottiglia MAS (RSI) – Coming soon.
Battaglione “Lupo”